Truvada with TDF vs. Truvada with TAF

TDF is a commonly used HIV treatment agent and was approved in 2001. Although TDF is successful, there are reduced bone mineral density and nephrotoxicity among the harmful side effects.

Persons and family members of persons who have suffered from Truvada side effects may consult with Truvada attorneys.

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TDF, a prodrug, is supplied into the body and then metabolized into the active substance tenofovir. The medicine must pass for plasma through a patient’s body, and eventually the HIV virus cell.

TDF has a half-life of around 20 to 30 seconds after reaching the plasma before being metabolized in tenofovir. TAF is new drugs formula HIV Gilead Sciences concentrates within cells of the immune system.

This prodrug has a significantly longer half-life (90 minutes) TDF after entering the plasma. A means a half-life longer than the drug has more time to enter the HIV-infected target cell.

This results in much higher concentrations of active tenofovir in the intracellular and significantly reduces concentrations of extracellular.

TAF has also been shown in clinical trials to recent not cause reduction of bone mineral density or nephrotoxicity.

A study has shown that drugs have TAF 90% lower tenofovir circulating plasma concentration compared to TDF. This results in a lower risk of kidney health problems.

Different brands of a combination of drugs that have been previously combined with TDF are being re-released as medicaments TAF.

The main difference between the two HIV therapy drugs is that TDF is much more prone to tenofovir plasma, which can lead to severe problems of safety.

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